We are pleased to inform you that we have today published our first consultation on implementing the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) in the UK. 

It may be accessed here: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/implementing-the-carbon-offsetting-and-reduction-scheme-for-international-aviationhttps://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/implementing-the-carbon-offsetting-and-reduction-scheme-for-international-aviation

The consultation sets out the government’s proposed approach to implementing CORSIA in the UK. Section 1 sets out the policy context and outlines our proposed approach. 

The consultation seeks views on draft secondary legislation which covers the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) rules of CORSIA. Section 2 covers the detail of the CORSIA MRV provisions, including how the scheme will be administered in the UK and how CO2 emissions from both fossil kerosene and CORSIA Eligible Fuels should be monitored, reported and verified. Enforcement provisions for those who do not comply with the scheme are also covered.  

These MRV provisions constitute the first statutory instrument for CORSIA. A copy of the draft instrument is published alongside the consultation. 

Section 3 of the consultation therefore includes high-level options for implementing CORSIA alongside the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) and invites initial views. Taking into account the responses to this consultation, there will then be a second consultation later this year on the detailed policy design of any interaction between the two schemes followed by a second statutory instrument covering the CORSIA offsetting requirements. Changes may also be required to the UK ETS at the same time. 

CORSIA MRV will primarily affect aeroplane operators that operate international flights and bodies that verify aeroplane operators’ emissions reports but the consultation is open to all organisations and individuals. As an important stakeholder we would welcome your organisation’s views in response to this consultation. 

We will also be holding a consultation event on the morning of 28th January. Invitations for this event will follow separately. 

To respond to the consultation, if you have any queries or if you would like to attend the consultation event but do not receive an invitation following this email, please contact: corsiaconsultation@dft.gov.uk. The consultation will close on 28th February 2021.