Meet the team at EBACE
This year’s European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE 2018) will take place from the 29th – 31st May, at Geneva’s magnificent Palexpo. Mark Byrne, Heather Gordon, Martin Kennaugh and Andy Duggan will be joined by Adrian Jones, Angie Deady-Fiddler, Phill Rawlins and Katie Ansett from our Stansted office.
EBACE attracts thousands of professionals involved in every aspect of business aviation and will showcase more than 400 exhibitors and 55 business aircraft on static display.
To find out more click on this link
The Martyn Fiddler Aviation team will be exhibiting at stand Y41.
Angie Deady-Fiddler (pictured left) commented:
The 2018 event will celebrate the 13th year of the team attending!
As Europe’s biggest aviation event it’s no surprise that it’s been a permanent fixture in our calendar for so long. It is a brilliant opportunity for us to showcase the whole team and the wide range of expertise and bespoke services we have to offer.
Mark Byrne (pictured right) continued:
After launching our new branding at last year’s EBACE, we are very excited to be attending once again; all under one name and management team. It is fantastic for networking and we look forward to catching up with friends, colleagues and longstanding clients. One our key aims for EBACE is to meet new aviation professionals from across the industry. We look forward to seeing you all there!
To arrange an appointment with the team, please contact Samantha Wharfe at
The team will also be promoting the 8th annual Isle of Man Aviation Conference, which is organised by Martyn Fiddler Aviation and supported by the Isle of Man Aircraft Registry. The conference will take place on 13th June 2018 at the Villa Marina in Douglas, Isle of Man.
The conference includes 3 separate networking opportunities and registration is online. Please see our website and delegate pack for more information about the event and to read the feedback from our previous attendees.
About the author
Heather Gordon is chief legal officer at Martyn Fiddler Aviation. Heather joined the team in 2013 having previously practiced within a leading Isle of …
Contact Heather Gordon