Please note the view expressed in this post are those of the member posting and not necessarily of the BBGA

Struggle to find freelance crew?

hullo Aircrew’s platform has launched. We can help.

  • How many times have you had to cancel a flight due to no crew?
  • Lost hours calling and emailing your freelancer crews to no avail?
  • Felt pressure close to the deadline while waiting for freelance crew training documents to come through?

The hullo Aircrew team have experienced this very issue for the last 15 years, the scramble between ops, crewing and fleet managers to find a pilot or flight attendant, with the client requesting urgent confirmation for that important trip.

This is why we knew it was time to build the solution, a single platform that answers the four key questions: Are you available? How much do you cost? Where are you based? Can we have your training documents? We wanted to provide the solution for operators to find the crew they need in a fast and efficient manner.

The platform has been built. It’s called hullo Aircrew and it’s live now.

No longer do you have to pay expensive agency fees, and there’s no subscription or software licence. An account with hullo Aircrew is free: use our platform on your computer, tablet or phone to search the globe for that crew member you need and simply pay a small fee when you book someone for the job. All done in just a few clicks.

You can add crew to your trip, view their documents, book & pay via the platform and the invoicing is all taken care of for your records. A modern-day solution to what can be a labour-intensive task.

Join today and #Sayhullo to Aircrew |