Today’s been one of those days where history, innovation, and fun all take off together. And I’ve had to chide chat GPT for giving me a banal email to get started with as a content base and – erm – had to do more writing than I’d hoped to do.  Sigh…

So then – in a desire to be of service to those of you who read these emails – I googled famous women aviators making history today in honour of International Women in Aviation Week. Louise Thaden’s name came up. She was part of the first group of women to participate in an air race. (Amelia Earhart was also a contender.) And March 4 is the anniversary of her incredible achievement in qualifying for what was dubbed “the Powder Puff Derby” nearly 100 years ago. 

And I’m going to use this “research” as a clumsy runway to take off into other territories. Such as – I’m thrilled to share that I guested on Sarah Kalmeta’s podcast today.

According to Chat GPT, this conversation was “a fantastic opportunity to chat about our love for aviation, sprinkle in some inspiring stories, and have a few laughs along the way.”

What we actually discussed was the impact of personal branding, how AI is shaping the world, plus how to speak in your own authentic voice in a world of noisy automated content generation.  I really enjoyed our chinwag*,  and I recommend you check out her vibrant podcasts and youtube channel.

Speaking of vibrant, with Aero Friedrichshafen on the horizon, now the ideal time to amp up your own personal brand – or that of your leaders. It’s going to be a great show, so whether that you share your story, boost your profile, or simply celebrate your journey, being visible there is all about making sure the right people notice you.

We’ll be at the BBGA AGM next Tuesday and can also help you shine brightly at Aero Friedrichshafen. So if that appeals, drop me a line and let’s set up a time to talk

Wishing you clear skies and smooth landings, 

(cheesy sign off brought to you direct from Chat GPT)



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