TAG Aviation prides itself on its green corporate credentials and on its role as a company that
really cares about sustainability. As a result, 2023 has seen it launching a series of policies
and initiatives designed to meet industry and global climate goals and achieve aviation net
zero by 2050.
Carbon offsetting is one of the key measures to promote sustainability and improve the environment. Although TAG has championed carbon offsetting since 2020, from now onwards its charter clients will automatically be opted into their offsetting programme. In the
past, clients were invited to take part in it but now have to actively opt out of the programme instead of opting in, simplifying the overall procedure and empowering passengers to be more sustainable. The offsetting scheme is run by Thrust Carbon, who work with verified carbon offsetting projects that are strictly controlled by independent auditors to internationally recognised standards.
In addition, TAG is enhancing its green credentials in many other ways, from the EFB paperless cockpit to using electric cars and forming a collaboration with Go Zero Travel, a corporate chauffeur service operating throughout London and the home counties for both
clients and staff travel.
The green crusade continues in the company’s offices, with the emphasis very much on environmentally friendly products and procedures, climate change training courses for all staff, and an innovative travel scheme that rewards personnel with vouchers if they use a
sustainable form of travel to get to work, such as walking, cycling or car-pooling.
TAG’s CEO, Joanne Goodall: “From double-sided printing on recycled paper to offsetting our charter clients’ emissions via major green projects, TAG Aviation is dedicated to the concept of sustainability at all levels throughout the organisation. Both in the sky and on the land, we are committed to playing our part in protecting our unique and delicate environment for the
enjoyment of future generations.”