• Post category:Speaker2023
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Chair of Airfields Working Group within the APPG

A Chartered Surveyor with a life long interest in aviation, John eventually started flying Tiger Moths with Cambridge Flying Group somewhat late in life. A chance conversation in 2012 led to his involvement in the General Aviation Awareness Council (GAAC) where his, albeit dated, planning knowledge found a berth as Hon Secretary.

He was recommended for Vice Chairman by his predecessor and eventually took the role in November 2015. Almost immediately he was tasked with preparing a response to a question on GA from the Aviation Minister on behalf of the GA industry.

This drew the attention of those organising an All Party Parliamentary Group for GA who invited him to join its Airfields Working Group. At its inaugural meeting in Jan 2018 he was unanimously elected Chair. The AWG focuses on more strategic and political aspects of GA and this joint role allows him to take lessons learned by the GAAC into the political arena.

Since 2016 the GAAC’s case load has expanded from about 20 to 109 airfields at the end of 2022 with more than half seeking advice since 2019. About 40 are ‘active’ at any one time. In addition to John’s property knowledge the team comprises specialists in town planning, flight guide compilation, safeguarding, rights of way, insurance and several pro bono lawyers. Our most recent recruit is an ATPL now studying for the Bar. The GAAC itself has also grown with ARPAS and the British Helicopter Association joining our board, the former bringing 250,000 members within our umbrella.

In 2022 the GAAC’s remit expanded to advising HELP (a Helipad charity) and a joint Coastguard Service/NHSE working group on helipad provision, particularly those for the new, much larger, coastguard machines serving the UK’s main Trauma hospitals.

Government documents now identify the GAAC as a primary source of advice to the GA industry and interested parties on the protection of airfields and we maintain a weekly liaison with the DfT.

Aside from formal roles John existing activities have continued and include:

Shuttleworth Veteran Aeroplane Society – Life member, Senior Commentator and Estates advisor

Cross & Cockade – London Branch and, the Australian Society of World War 1 Aero Historians

Western Front Association – NW Kent Branch Vice- Chairman, speaker on WW1 aviation.

First solo: Cambridge, in 2010, PPL Andrewsfield on PA 28 in 2015. Hobby flying with the Tiger Club on PA 18 and Tiger Moth.

de Havilland Moth Club – Commentator at RAF Halton & Belvoir Castle, club event volunteer.

After meet the Tiger 9 Display Team at Halton, where he commentated for them, he spoke at Shoreham, Duxford and several smaller events.

He played a key role in organising the vintage aviation component for a joint event with the WFA at Amiens commemorating the centenary of the RFC’s arrival in France on August 13th 1914.

A writer and speaker on early military aviation John’s articles have been published in Aeroplane, Moth Magazine and Stand To (WFA journal).