Welcome back to the JetZero.TV newsletter

Hello Again,

As we all know, sustainability is no longer just a buzzword—it’s a business imperative. Yet, in the public eye, this term often meets with scepticism. At GearUp.TV, we believe that now is the time to change the narrative.

Our industry is making significant strides towards sustainability, and it’s crucial that your audience—however sceptical—understands the positive impact these changes are making.

Click below to discover what young people really think about the industry and how we’re helping address these concerns and highlight the sustainable evolution of our sector, so that as an group we can counteract some of the negative narrative. It was great to be put on the spot by Alexandra Dunn-Cordova in the plush surroundings of The Jet Business recently.

@Alex Dunn asks pertinent questions

In just under 90 seconds, we help confront three major beliefs head-on:

🌍 Address the environmental JetZero deadline concerns associated with business aviation.

🌍 Showcase some of the sexy tech that will help power the industry forward

🌍 Examine what is happening beyond business aviation in the wider sector.

With sustainability at the forefront of public discourse, especially as we head into a season filled with industry events, your messaging needs to be both proactive and persuasive.

We can help you address these concerns by assisting with your own video content so that you can attract more young innovators and educate a sceptical public, as well as showcase your products and service offerings.

So let’s turn scepticism into support and results for your business.

We’re ready to work with you to develop content that both communicates your commitment to sustainability and resonates with your audience, no matter how unconvinced they may be.

Looking forward to helping you lead the conversation.


A reminder of what we are about

🌍 Towards #JetZeroTV is dedicated to showcasing cutting-edge technologies, innovative solutions, and industry strategies that are driving the aviation sector toward a sustainable future.

🌍 Watch out for engaging video content, expert interviews, and in-depth analysis, as we aim to inspire and inform our audience about the latest advancements in sustainable aviation.

Why join the movement?

👀 Watch out for ways we’ll help you increase Your Visibility on LinkedIn’s Global Platform: so that you can highlight your brand and solutions to a targeted audience passionate about aviation and sustainability.

🙏 Finally, thank you for being a part of our journey toward a cleaner, greener aviation industry. We look forward to collaborating with you and showcasing your contributions to the world.

Remember – People trust people who lead.

So be VISIBLE about your sustainability efforts