Royal Aeronautical Society – Networking event

18:00 – 20:15

Despite global economic and political uncertainty, Business Aviation looks set to experience robust growth as the industry and its professionals continue to evolve and adapt.
The Royal Aeronautical Society will once again bring together members from across the Business Aviation sector to explore the trends, challenges, changing regulations and future demands the industry faces.

A selection of OEMs, operators and industry specialists will debate the challenges our industry is facing over the next decade and offer their insight on what the sector will look like a decade from now.

More consolidation, digitisation, embracing the arrival of autonomous vehicles, eVTOLs, electrifying aviation, the holy grail that is Supersonic. We will ask our speakers where are we heading and what their priorities are – in one of the most vibrant and exciting industries.

Ahead of the UK Government’s Aviation Strategy Consultation, the event will provide ample opportunity to share views and inform the RAeS response to the consultation.

KEYNOTE: State of the Industry now and in the future

Speaker: Alasdair Whyte, Founder and Director Corporate, Jet Investor,

Panel 1: The OEMs / Back To The Future Panel

Moderator: Aoife O’Sullivan, Partner, Air Law Firm – Antonio Campello, CEO, EmbraerX
Tom Perry, VP, Textron – George Land, Commercial Business Development Director, Hybrid Air Vehicles

Panel 2: The End User / Operators

 Moderator: Marc Bailey, CEO, BBGA
– Marine Eugene, Managing Director,  FlexJet
– Adam Twidell, CEO,  Private Fly
– Alex Durand, CEO, SaxonAir
– Glen Heavens, Director, Synergy Aviation

Panel 3: The Futurologists

Linking cities via Hybrid Electric flight:
Neil Cloughley, Managing Director, Faradair Aerospace
Pegasus Vertical Business Jet – The Future Way:
Dr Reza Mia, CEO & Founder, Pegasus Universal Aerospace


Non-Member: £70.00 RAeS Corporate Partner: £60.00
RAeS Member: £50.00
Supporting Association Rate: £60.00
The Royal Aeronautical Society offer a limited number of complimentary places for our conferences to any full-time students or apprentices who are members of the Society (subject to availability). Further information on student membership can be found here
Please contact to register.