The need to future proof the aviation workforce and make aviation STEM attractive to young people was addressed by Dan Edwards, General Manager of Marshall Skills Academy and Lindsey Oliver, Managing Director of BBGA, during the grand opening of Bombardier’s new, expanded Service Centre at London Biggin Hill Airport on 30 November.
“It has been a great honour to work with Bombardier these past 12 months developing their apprentice programme,” highlighted Dan. So successful, in fact the Cambridge-headquartered company is making plans to open a dedicated base at Biggin Hill alongside the MRO in the next couple of years, working together with Bombardier General Manager, Paul Thompson and his team, to train world class technicians and engineers. “We look forward to continuing discussions with them. Bombardier share our passion and vision to develop next-generation talent. Our aim is to provide a funnel of talent and make STEM aviation appealing,” he said.

Dan continues: “At the same time, post 16 education alone won’t be enough to tackle the potential skills deficit, we need to get to young people sooner, get them engaged and excited in our industry. The traditional education route into industry does not put enough emphasis or value on apprenticeships, often promoting university as the default position whether or not it is the best answer for the individual student. We also know that the traditional curriculum does not allow young people access to practical experience in technical trades, they are starting from scratch when they begin an apprenticeship.
“To address these challenges, Marshall is actively talking with selected partners from industry, education and academia to develop an alternative industry-specific education provision for 14-19 year olds to fast track them into the aviation sector.
“We haven’t yet determined the exact shape of this 14-19 year old provision but are investigating the benefits of the UTC (University Technical College) approach which creates a learning environment where students are able to bridge the gap between education and work. The students study an alternative curriculum that balances core GSE subjects with skills-based training and benefits from ongoing engagement and support from industry partners throughout their education.
“Our intention is to develop this 14-19 year old provision in the Biggin Hill area to help meet the demand for skills that is being driven by the growth of the airport and its key tenants such as Bombardier.”
Dan and Paul Thompson were delighted to introduce a new cohort of Bombardier apprentices (young men and women) who will start regularly coming into Biggin next spring. One of the 17 is Saffah Bashir, a technician apprentice – who got into the programme after seeing it advertised on the RAES virtual webinar. “I was looking for an apprenticeship and as soon as I saw it, I wanted to apply,” she said.
Saffah’s interest in aviation stemmed from sixth form where she enjoyed participating in a team that built two aircraft – a Sky Ranger and a Slingshot. She and her fellow apprentices are looking forward to starting at Biggin Hill from April 2023.
Speaking for BBGA, Lindsey Oliver hailed the investment as hugely significant, post pandemic, created to support existing and future Bombardier business aircraft owners and operators.
This is a fantastic partnership between Bombardier and Biggin Hill Airport and just serves to underline what an exciting time it is for business aviation, a showcase for technological advances in airframe, engine and design (and already a near full facility with 28 aircraft currently in work). ‘Bring your jets home,’ Bombardier heralds it.
Business aviation in the UK has worked through a very difficult few years – but out of chaos rises opportunity, Lindsey said. The ability to adapt is what our industry does so well. Adapting to the pandemic’s requirements, delivering medical supplies, personnel, highlights that we can deliver services when others cannot.
It has brought economic benefits too. UK investment has continued and thrived and bizav has enabled it through its unique connectivity. WINGX provided a report in March 2022 highlighting a distinct drop in network connectivity efficiency in the scheduled airline market. Business aviation stepped up to become an efficient transport mode for a wealth of new users and their goods, but rightly, she added, we do have to answer questions on sustainable aviation. Bizav can lead this with its advances in technology, increased use of SAF through our FBOs and ground handling companies and commitment to offering more sustainable travel for a new generation of travellers.
“Bombardier and London Biggin Hill Airport have a shared vision to encourage aviation, new technology and bright, bright minds, coming together in this important historic home of aviation.” Staffing and workforce is a big issue facing our industry and it will remain high on BBGA’s agenda into the new year, said Lindsey. Indeed it will be a core theme of its 2023 annual conference on 2 March, 2023. ““We have been working closely with the DfT on the topic and helped initiate and develop the Aviation Services Recruitment Platform (ASRP),”she said, urging guests to log on and look around it. We need to attract a skilled workforce to our industry and commit the time promoting our industry to Government, young people and job seekers pursuing a career change, “This fantastic facility is a terrific place to work in, offering so many opportunities. Congratulations to Bombardier and London Biggin Hill on the formal opening of this fantastic service centre.”