Earlier this month a team of intrepid adventurers from Air Charter Service’s London office took on the famous UK Three Peaks Challenge – climb the highest peaks in England, Scotland and Wales, all in 24 hours – and raised more than £15,000 for the company’s nominated charities: Dysart School, Momentum Children’s Charity, MacMillan Cancer Support and Save the Children.

Katie Ivie, ACS’s HR Director and Head of the company’s Charity Committee, said: “The challenge is to tackle Ben Nevis in Scotland (1,345 metres high), before heading to Scafell Pike in England (978 metres) and finishing at Snowdon in Wales (1,085 metres) within 24 hours. What makes it even trickier is that the first and last peaks are almost 500 miles apart! A team of seven of our toughest colleagues decided that they were up to the task, and set off first thing on a Saturday morning last month to head to the base of Ben Nevis, and that’s when the clock started.”

Sarah Marston, Manager in the Private Jets division and also a member of the Charity Committee, was one of the participants, and said: “The months of training paid off, as we managed to conquer all three summits in just over 23 hours. It was a tough trek, especially with the 50mph winds on Ben Nevis and lack of sleep, but we all kept each other going. The thousands of pounds’ worth in sponsorship was a huge motivation, as we didn’t want to let anyone down.”

Katie Ivie concluded: “Over the years the Charity Committee has arranged sponsored challenges, such as wing-walking, skydiving and ‘Tough Mudder’ obstacle course races, but this one has raised more money than anything we have previously done. We are all very proud of the team for taking part in such a tough challenge and raising so much for our fantastic charities.”



About Air Charter Service 
Air Charter Service is a global aircraft charter broker with 35 offices worldwide, spanning all six major continents and we offer private jet, commercial airliner and cargo aircraft charters, as well as onboard courier solutions. We arrange over 28,000 charter flights annually with revenue of more than one billion dollars for the past four years. We were formed in 1990 by Chairman Chris Leach and CEO Justin Bowman in the basement of a house, and we now employ more than 600 staff worldwide.