Earlier this year, Air Charter Service appointed a new CEO for the company’s Swiss office, and the resultant upswing in charter numbers has been impressive.

Justin Bowman, CEO at Air Charter Service, commented: “In March of this year Arthur Guibert took over the management of our Swiss office and since then the number of bookings for the office, across all divisions, has risen by almost 25% year-on-year.

“Arthur has transformed our Geneva operation’s results in the six months since he joined, after what had been a relatively slow start to the year. His experience is a real asset to the team, and he’s been able to turn the office’s fortunes around almost immediately, getting it back to growth. We have recently brought in a couple of new members to the team, one bringing with him his own expertise after spending time at another Swiss private jet company.”

Arthur commented: “We have a great team here and I am now looking to expand the group further, both on the private jet and the cargo side of the business, in order to build on the success that I am confident will continue going forward.”



About Air Charter Service 
Air Charter Service is a global aircraft charter broker with 35 offices worldwide, spanning all six major continents and we offer private jet, commercial airliner and cargo aircraft charters, as well as onboard courier solutions. We arrange over 28,000 charter flights annually with revenue of more than one billion dollars for the past four years. We were formed in 1990 by Chairman Chris Leach and CEO Justin Bowman in the basement of a house, and we now employ more than 600 staff worldwide.