“The Isle of Man Aircraft Registry is consulting on updates to our aircraft registration and marking legislation. This includes aspects related to ownership, commercial air transport and aerial work.

The consultation runs until 1 October 2021 and can be accessed from 23 August from the IOM Government Consultation Hub website: https://consult.gov.im/.

Alternatively it can be sourced from the aircraft registry website (www.iomaircrfatregistry.com) and by following the top bar link ‘LEGISLATION’ to ‘Consultations’.

The changes proposed include:

•             Update to the qualified ownership criteria for ‘transitional aircraft’ to incorporate the allowances currently published in Exemption 17/2018.

•             The current policy requirement for the registered owner of an aircraft registered in the Isle of Man to appoint an “aircraft operator” and to notify changes in the appointment will become a legal requirement.

•             Amendments to the timescale for the notification by the registered owner of changes to information provided at the time of registration and by the new owner of an aircraft registered in the Isle of Man.

•             Adoption of the ICAO definition of ‘commercial air transport’. Consequential updates to the provisions that previously allowed “valuable consideration” without the flight being construed as be a commercial flight are proposed.

•             Update of the Isle of Man definition of “aerial work” from being focused on valuable consideration to (as per ICAO) being based on the conduct of specialised operations. Such aerial work would be permitted subject to an approval issued by the Registry.

•             Updates to the marking of aircraft and fireproof plate requirements.