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BBGA Annual Conference and AGM 2025

Tuesay 11 March, 2025 at the Leonardo Royal Hotel, London City

Please provide an email for each of your guests so that they receive all confirmations and registration emails.

 (including yourself)
First Attendee Details
First and Last will show on your badge
for events with badges this is the company name we'll use for the badge.
Confirmations and updates will be sent to the email address below. We will require unique email addresses for each attendee. We use this for security purposes and registration to our Event App. If you don't have the email address of the guest, please use your own and update us as soon as you can with the person's address.
Event Fee(s)
Please note that membership status will be checked against your booking details.
Total for this participant
If you are non UK address and don't have a post code - please type no code in the postcode field
Please read and accept the terms &conditions and our Data Policy.