Olympic Feats required for a Sustainable Aviation Industry

If you’re anything like me, you’ll be in awe of the athletes entertaining us at the Olympics – am I right?

We can learn so much from the dedication and commitment of the sporting stars. And It’s the perfect time to create and share content that resonates with a global audience glued to what’s happening in Paris. 

Whether you’re sharing your thoughts, reactions, or inspiration,  tapping into the excitement of this worldwide event can really enhance your online presence

You can always tie it back to how important it is that we preserve our planet for future generations to enjoy such global entertainment.
  Does this work? Well, we’ve noticed an uptick in likes and views on this sports related video we helped the British Business and General Aviation create. 

🎥 Did you know how sports teams travel to major world events?

👉 A YouTube short featuring Inflite’s CEO Pauline Monksfield explaining part of what her company does
  Watch it here:

So what can you or your team do to join the online conversation?

Here are some quick tips for posting Olympic-themed

Tie your posts back to what is required to work for our planet. Find something that is relatable for most people that might have given you inspiration from watching the best of the best. And some practical takeaways are 

  • Use Relevant Hashtags: Incorporate popular Olympic hashtags like #Olympics2024, #RoadToGold.
  • Engage with Trending
  • Post a quick visual update reacting to a major win or a surprising moment. This could attract more views – even if you’re shy about creating a video – you can still create a visual that can generate some engagement.

Think about who needs to see your message and why.

Not everybody is going to love your content – and neither can you serve everybody on the planet. However, if you’re stuck in negative thinking and feeling that people won’t want to see your content, take inspiration from the likes of Simone Biles, Leon Marchant or Kim Woo-Jin, who will have had to overcome some major internal resistance to getting to be the world’s most elite athletes.

I’m going to run a live workshop where you can ask me any questions you like about being more visible. The page to sign up for that will be live on our social media feeds next week and I’ll send it to you here then. Thank you for being a part of our journey toward a cleaner, greener aviation industry. Reply directly if you’d like to join the workshop.
Till next time,


PS: When you’re ready to experience the power of strategic video marketing for yourselves

Visit our website on www.gearup.tv Follow us – GearUp.TV on LinkedIn.