• Post category:Speaker2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Marc Bailey MBA, BSc Hons, Part 66 B1/B2/C

Marc Bailey has spent his entire career in aviation and has worked in most areas of Aviation Services with scheduled airlines, MRO’s, military contract support and latterly with associations, government and its agencies.

Marc represents your position in Europe (even post Brexit ) – as President of ECOGAS (European Council of General Aviation Support) which maintains a voice with EASA. All the major member states are represented on the ECOGAS board. Through ECOGAS we hold a seat on the EASA strategic advisory board and all the associated working groups.

Marc has been asked to chair the new UKASF (United Kingdom Airworthiness Strategic Forum)  as part of an initiative to develop Aviation Services across all aviation activities.  UKASF  pulls together airlines, MRO’s, Rotary and commercial GA bodies to work with CAA and DfT. The objective is for industry to take the lead to drive strategic issues to benefit all parties (where possible).

Marc currently participates in the GBASF (General & Business Aviation Strategic Forum) which is the high-level body working to help shape the future direction of GA regulation for the UK with both CAA and DfT.  This allows us a close dialogue with the aviation minister and senior staff at the DfT.

Under recent developments Marc has formed an alliance with, ARPAS, AOPA, BHA and BBGA so that we can strengthen our voice under a joint ‘GA 4 Biz’ banner. This alliance is working to do everything possible to represent the industry’s business interests with UK government and to help realise the Government’s desire to make UK General Aviation a Global Leader in a post Brexit environment.

Marc is focused on next Generation initiatives with industry and government. The success of the Aviation Skills Retention Platform and the evolution of that programme to help drive the opportunities for the next generation of our aviation personnel has been a great first step. There are many elements to this initiative and it will involve a significant effort from all interested parties. We have been developing Trailblazer Apprenticeships for several years  and are seeing providers emerge to deliver this training. This is just the tip of the iceberg –  even before the pandemic we were seeing significant shortfall in potential resources.  I consider this issue to be the most important one to secure the future of aviation in the UK.