Please note the view expressed in this post are those of the speaker and not necessarily of the BBGA

What Will the Modern World Look Like in the Future. Unlimited Thinking, Predicting the Future

Matthew Griffin, Fanatical Futurist

A timeline of travel and transportation. Emerging technologies and what might our future lifestyle look like.

Technology on the Aviation Horizon

Rupert Dent, ARPAS

A look at current and future technologies- how this will influence the business and general aviation sectors

Philip Tarry, Halo Drones (if you would like a copy of this presentation, please contact us and we will put you in touch with Philip Tarry)

Industry Sustainability and Financing – Availability & Key Benchmarking(information to follow)

Matthew Jones, IBM

Blockchain strategy and how this can be used for our sector. Originally devised for virtual currencies like ‘Bitcoin’, but could it be so much more


Bruce Parry, IBAC

Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation – what is CORSIA and how does it work. All must register by January 2019

Mindfulness – Science to Improve your Business Performance

dr sarah
Dr Sarah Flaherty IHP Solutions

How mindfulness can improve your business – the science behind the hype

Please note caveat from Dr Sarah Flaherty: ‘I would also like to state that many of the images will be subject to copyright and I haven’t cited sources. And whilst the neuroscience is sound with regards to evidence, some of the stats are subject to discussion as they’re from non-academic sources’